How can footprints on the moon remain undisturbed for millions of years, just like fossils?

How can footprints on the moon remain undisturbed for millions of years, just like fossils?

If you have paid attention to the photos taken on the moon, you can see the astronauts’ footprints. That is very clear Maybe you’ve seen it. Moreover, these footprints remain there for millions of years.

A single footprint There are several reasons why it remains as a fossil for millions of years. sure. Let’s explain them all one by one.

An environment that is different from the world.

The footprint in this photo taken on the moon belongs to astronaut Neil Armstrong, who first went to the moon in 1969 on the Apollo 11 mission.

Because there is no atmosphere on the moon, unlike our planet, there are no atmospheric weather conditions. So it doesn’t rain, the wind doesn’t blow, it doesn’t snow… That’s why footprints It is not eroded by any weather event.

By the way, if we compare it with the Earth, Because the Moon has very little geological activity, there is not much volcanic or tectonic movement. That’s why footprints don’t change.

The main reason is the characteristics of the moon’s surface.

A little deeper on the lunar surface is a layer of fine rocky dust. This layer of dust allows astronauts to footprints are clearly visibleBecause the thin layer of powder has the consistency of what we call talcum powder, the details of the footprints are preserved and last a long time.

In addition, dust particles on the surface are bonded to each other with electrostatic adhesion force, because the gravity is low. Electrostatic forces The dust particles become visible and stick together. So the footprints do not collapse under their own weight.

The astronauts’ footprints will likely remain there for at least another 100 million years A symbol of humanity’s heritage will be. Really impressive, isn’t it?

Sources: Space, Dawn

Let’s take it space lovers:

Source: Web Tekno


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