Home Science Closest photo of Jupiter’s moon Europa, said to have life beneath its...

Closest photo of Jupiter’s moon Europa, said to have life beneath its glaciers


The US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in 2011 Juno He had sent a spacecraft named after him to Jupiter. The spacecraft, which entered orbit around Jupiter in 2016, has managed to transmit important images and data so far. Now the most important of the images so far has arrived. Juno, Jupiter’s Most Likely Moon to Host Life Europe It got closer to its satellite called Satellite than ever before and managed to get a unique image.

Europe has a very interesting structure. So much so that this satellite usually consisting of oxygen It occupies an atmosphere. The outer layer of the moon is made up of ice, and the inner layers are thought to be a giant ocean. Here is the distance to this satellite up to 352 kilometers Juno has achieved the highest resolution and closest view of Europe to date.

This is the closest view of Europe so far

The name that made the explanation of the obtained image, Juno principal investigator Scott Bolton it happened. “We are very early in the process, but by all indications Juno’s approach to Europe has been a huge success.Using the expressions, Bolton announced that a new scientific process for Europe will begin with the data obtained. will be comparedHe said it will be determined whether anything has changed on the surface of Europe over the 20-year period. What will happen next?

If we zoom in on the photo, the glacier cracks are clearly visible.

NASA has been Europe Clipper It continues to work on a new space mission called . As part of this mission, scheduled for 2024, a spacecraft will be sent directly to Europe to study Europe. The spacecraft, expected to enter orbit in 2030, will conduct an in-depth survey of Europe and look for signs of life. The last image Juno obtained is of Jupiter’s moon. preliminary information provided.

Source: Web Tekno



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