Home Science One of history’s creepiest experiments: baby raised to be sibling to chimpanzees...

One of history’s creepiest experiments: baby raised to be sibling to chimpanzees and looking just like him


Kellogg’s experiment, also known as the “Gua Project,” showed that a chimpanzee raised with a child will look human was provided. The chimpanzee Gua and baby Donald, raised under exactly the same conditions, were the protagonists of this experiment.

However, something completely opposite to what was expected happened, namely that the chimpanzee would evolve to resemble a human. baby more and more chimpanzee it looked like. When you’re ready, let’s look at the details of this strange experiment together.

Intrigued by the feral children raised by wolves, animal psychologists Luella Kellogg and her husband Winthrop Kellogg set out to conduct experiments of their own.

Winthrop Kellogg and his wife, Luella Kellogg, are intrigued by the case of two children who were raised by wolves and left in the wild their entire lives. to your own crazy experiments they tried.

Winthrop Kellogg, a comparative psychologist, lived in the early to mid-1900s. intelligent animals dedicated to understanding. He worked in an animal stimulation lab at Indiana State University.

He used his own child as a test subject.

Winthrop Kellogg, who did several experiments on animals, expanded the company in 1931. on primates He decided to experiment and he and his wife, Luella, began planning the experiment. What they needed was a child and a chimpanzee. When they adopted a 7.5-month-old chimpanzee named Gua, there was only one thing left: a child.

However, they had a very difficult time finding a child. The Kellogg family then decided to use their own child, 10-month-old Donald, as a test subject. By following the development of the child and the chimpanzee, As a human They wanted to test if they could behave.

The chimpanzee Gua received exactly the same treatment as Donald.

In the eyes of the family, Gua and Donald were brothers and would be raised accordingly. in captivity gua; She was constantly cared for, given the same learning tasks as a human baby, and even wore clothes and diapers during her nine months of study.

Extensive coverage of topics such as “blood pressure, memory, body size, scribbling, reflexes, depth perception, vocalization, movement, strength, problem solving, fear, balance, play, obedience, comprehension, language skills, attention span, responses to tickling” scientific experiments finished.

For a time, the chimpanzee Gua did very well in these tests compared to Donald.

It developed well and acquired fine motor skills and physical strength like any chimpanzee in captivity. Gua, to Donald, under the doors to spy on people even learned.

Gua used the same forms of communication as Donald. When he was put on the bed, he reached for a humane hug. He gave kisses. Several mood He imitated facial expressions to show off.

According to newspaper reports of the time, when Donald crawled, Gua walked upright and could respond to 20 simple commands. However, the differences quickly began to emerge. While Donald uses physical appearance and faces to describe people, Gua smells and the clothes they wear used.

Gua’s backlog first started with the language barrier.

Donald started forming words when he was 16 months old, but Gua couldn’t. animals, human language Although we know today that it has not evolved with the necessary equipment, both in mouth structure and cognitively, to be able to use it, it was still a subject of research at the time.

It seems that while Gua excels at early missions, his mastermind ultimately belongs to Donald. cognitive development couldn’t keep up.

The boy looked more and more like a chimpanzee.

Not surprisingly, a chimpanzee sibling hurt Donald, and he began imitating the sounds Gua made. She screamed like Gua when she saw food, bit while playing and chimpanzee movements was exhibiting. The experiment wanted Gua to be more human-like, while Donald was more like a chimpanzee. Within nine months, this interesting experiment was discontinued.

Returning to the experimental center when their work was done, Gua died within a year.

When they were done with Gua, who had been raised as a member of the family, they locked him in a cage and sent him back to the Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center in Florida. here for about a year behavioral experiments became a test subject.

Gua’s life; a child in a cage of a child raised in a human home with a two-parent family, a sibling, a house, clothes and a bed laboratory primate became. A few months later, Gua fell ill and died.

Evolution has handed humans and chimpanzees to a different fate.

While unusual and highly unethical by today’s standards, the research had some limitations for the time period. fascinating results had revealed. It turns out that animals are much more intelligent than we thought, especially from the perspective of the 1900s.

Some primates have even been found to have some vocal abilities to form words, but not fully. vocal language They lack the brain development to be a speaker. So while they were to some extent as smart as humans (or even smarter by some measures), evolution has left them to a different fate.

Donald committed suicide at the age of 42.

Moreover, another development occurred last year. Donald, who spent 9 months of his life as the brother of a chimpanzee, committed suicide at the age of 42. Attempt can’t get over While there are estimates for his suicide, the exact reason for his suicide is unknown.

Sources: Ifl Science, Nature, Library Aware

Source: Web Tekno



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