Chavez: Former presidents ‘spit on the flag’ of Costa Rica for condemning attacks on the press

Chavez: Former presidents ‘spit on the flag’ of Costa Rica for condemning attacks on the press

Costa Rica President Rodrigo Chavez on Tuesday accused several ex-presidents of the country of “spitting on the flag” and “humiliating the honor of the Motherland” for signing the Declaration of the Democratic Initiative of Spain and America (IDEA), condemning attacks on the press on the continent.

“It seems to me a huge lack of patriotism that in the same document, the former presidents of the republic, who have already established themselves in the eyes of the country, compare Costa Rica with Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela. in terms of freedom of the press; This is spitting on the flag, spitting on the national flag,” Chavez told reporters during a tour of the province of Guanacaste.

The president added that the signing of the IDEA declaration by the former rulers of Costa Rica “is spitting on the national flag in front of the international community, humiliating the honor of this homeland, joining it, joining it, packing it with Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela.”

Facebook photo: Rodrigo Chavez

“I should be ashamed of them, I am ashamed of others for them,” Chavez continued.

Former presidents Oscar Arias (1984-1990 and 2006-2010), Rafael Angel Calderon (1994-1998), Miguel Angel Rodriguez (1998-2002) and Luis Guillermo Solis (2014-2018) signed the IDEA declaration, published on Monday, in which 25 ex-presidents of Ibero-America warned of terrorist attacks for the press in the region.

About Costa Rica The joint statement indicates that President Chavez uses “systematic complaints” against the media and journalists, whom he calls “scoundrels”, and that there is manipulation of advertising costs, the shutdown of Grupo La Nación’s source of income, and the use of tax authorities to attack digital media owner

On this occasion, Chavez said that he is not the only one who calls La Nación and CRHoy a fraudulent press, and went on to criticize the former presidents of Costa Rica, whom he thanked for the fact that, in his opinion, if they had ruled well, he would never have come to power.

“On the day when these people support me, I will sit down to pray and say: God, tell me what I am doing wrong,” the ruler said.


Source: Aristegui Noticias


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