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This is how the triumph of Milea was celebrated in Argentina

  • November 20, 2023
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All the symbols used in recent months by Argentine President-elect Javier Miley somehow resurfaced this Sunday at the doors of the Libertador Hotel in Buenos Aires, a far-right

This is how the triumph of Milea was celebrated in Argentina

All the symbols used in recent months by Argentine President-elect Javier Miley somehow resurfaced this Sunday at the doors of the Libertador Hotel in Buenos Aires, a far-right “bunker” in the capital of the South American country. .

Supporters of the leader of the La Libertad Avanza party, the undisputed winner of this Sunday’s elections, began to gather at the door of the Milei headquarters a few hours before the final result of the second round of the presidential election became known, in which the Libertarian won by more than 11.5 percentage points. ruling party of Sergio Massa.

In the heart of Buenos Aires, a few meters from the Casa Rosada and the headquarters of the Central Bank, which Miley had promised to close, thousands of libertarian supporters gathered, some of them dressed as lions or chainsaws.

When the uncertainty of the first minutes passed and Massa admitted the defeat of the Peronists, the libertarians exploded with joy.

They sang, shouted, applauded, cheered for freedom and made statements against former President Cristina Fernandez (2007-2015), Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and others.

“It is a great blessing that a libertarian liberal is president of Argentina,” Marieta, who attended the Miles celebration with her daughter, told EFE.

Maximo spoke in the same vein, showing an inflatable boat with a caricature of Cristina Fernandez, dressed in a black and white striped prison jumpsuit.

“I hope this will be the end of Kirchnerism for good,” he says, referring to the ideological movement of Peronism represented by the late former President Nestor Kirchner (2003-2007) and his widow.

Photo: Reuters.

The numbers continue to rise, and the difference between the two candidates’ vote percentages continues to widen. Meanwhile, ballots are flying at the intersection of Corrientes Avenue and Maipú Street.

Voting has been at the center of debate over the past week, with some of Miley’s fellow believers fueling rumors of possible voter fraud.

“We didn’t have any problems. We are following well with the support of former President Macri,” says Maximo, who, given the excellent result of La Libertad Avanza, has no doubt about the correctness of the elections and takes advantage of the situation to recognize the support of the former candidate of the center. Right-wing coalition “Together for Change” Patricia Bullrich and his predecessor at the head of the Argentine opposition, former President Mauricio Macri (2015-2019) are present at the Libertador Hotel.

The night continues to darken in Buenos Aires, dedicated to a new myth. Young people chant Miley’s name as they sit on kiosks and tents, climb on street lights with libertarian flags reading “Don’t Tread on Me” and dance.

Some of the noises are mildly frightening to the public, but the flashes of fireworks and the yellow-violet smoke of rockets mask any possible libertarian concerns.

Euphoria covers everyone, especially the youngest, who are the majority. The slogans are confused before Miley addresses those present with a statement about the beginning of the “restoration of Argentina.”

Photo: Reuters.

After her speech, with notes of epic speech, the young woman raises into the sky of the Argentine capital a painting she painted at the beginning of last winter. This is a presidential portrait of Miley with an albiceleste bandage on his chest.

Two men ask him to take a photo with her. One is dressed like a gangster and carrying a stuffed animal that looks like a lion; the other is characterized as Batman’s nihilistic clown nemesis, the Joker.

Miley ends his historic speech and plays his unofficial anthem “Panic Show” by Argentine rock band La Renga. It will be a long early morning as a collection of libertarian icons begins to march towards the Obelisk, the center of football festivities in Buenos Aires.

Among those present, Abel, a 33-year-old Spanish citizen, waves the European country’s flag.

He is not entirely clear that a figure like Miley can succeed in Spain, but he believes that Argentina “has been in a socialist system for many years, which is not working, and people are tired.”

Judging by the happiness of his supporters, fatigue will not affect those closest to the president-elect.

It’s a hot November night in Buenos Aires and the colectivos (city buses) continue to move through the streets. Horns and shouts resound in the “city of rage,” today given over to the extravagance of Javier Miley and suspended between shock and pleasure.

Chronicle: Juan Verano / EFE. Video: EFE. Photo: Reuters.

Source: Aristegui Noticias

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