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Apple asks court to ‘throw out’ Epic Games decision

The litigation process between Apple and Epic Games is getting more interesting every day. The last judges “liar” what he said Appleasked the court to annul its previous pro-Epic decision. Although this arrangement will not be abolished, the Cupertino giant wants it to be exclusive only to Epic.

Apple filed a lawsuit in California Epic games He requested that the decision given in his favor be modified. He said the decisions in two different cases unrelated to the Epic case strengthened the company’s legal arguments against the order. Applestated that the application should be rejected entirely or benefit only Epic Games.

Brief summary of the case between Epic Games and Apple:

apple epic

First epic games, on the iPhone It introduced its own in-app payment system. This system disabled the App Store and prevented Apple from receiving a 30 percent commission. Stating that this situation violates the App Store terms and conditions. Applehad the company kicked out of his store.

Two companies were subsequently indicted. In the court ruling, Apple there is no monopoly While it was stated that Apple should allow in-app sales outside the App Store. Both companies then appealed the decisions they did not like.

The U.S. Supreme Court rejected both appeals. Apple will adhere to the decision Even though he said that, he continued to receive commissions. Epic then went to court again. The court also ruled that Apple acted in bad faith.

Source: Web Tekno



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