The invention of the transistor by Shockley, Bardin, and Brattain of Bell Laboratories in 1947 ushered in the era of microelectronics and changed our lives. Initially, bipolar transistors were invented, in which carriers of negative and positive charges support current transfer; Unipolar field-effect transistors were added only later. The productivity gain from scaling silicon electronics in the nanometer range has greatly accelerated data processing. However, this very rigid technology is less suitable for new types of flexible electronic components such as television screens or medical programs.
Organic material transistors or carbon-based semiconductors have recently become the focus of attention for such applications. Organic field-effect transistors were introduced in 1986, but their performance still lags far behind silicon components.
Professor Carl Leo of the Technical University of Dresden and Dr. A research team led by Hans Kleeman was the first to demonstrate the organic high-efficiency bipolar transistor. Crucial for this was the use of highly ordered thin organic layers. This new technology is much faster than previous organic transistors, and components have achieved operating frequencies in the GHz range for the first time (i.e. more than a billion switching operations per second).
Project by Dr. Co-directed by Michael Sawacki, Dr. Shu-Zhen Wang said, “The initial application of the organic bipolar transistor was a huge challenge because we had to create very high-quality layers and new structures. However, the excellent parameters of the component reward these efforts. “
Professor Carl Leo said: “I’ve been thinking about this device for 20 years and I’m very happy that we can now demonstrate it with new high-grade layers. The organic bipolar transistor and its potential open completely new perspectives for organic electronics as they also allow for complex data processing and transmission tasks. Possible future applications are, for example, smart patches equipped with sensors that process sensor data locally and transmit it wirelessly to the outside. Source
Source: Port Altele
I’m Maurice Knox, a professional news writer with a focus on science. I work for Div Bracket. My articles cover everything from the latest scientific breakthroughs to advances in technology and medicine. I have a passion for understanding the world around us and helping people stay informed about important developments in science and beyond.