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Travel in time with History TV starts on August 30 on Tivibu

  • August 25, 2022
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Tivibu, Türk Telekom’s digital television platform, hosts History TV, Turkey’s first thematic history channel. Taking audiences on a journey through time, History TV begins broadcasting on the 100th

Travel in time with History TV starts on August 30 on Tivibu

Tivibu, Türk Telekom’s digital television platform, hosts History TV, Turkey’s first thematic history channel. Taking audiences on a journey through time, History TV begins broadcasting on the 100th anniversary of the Great Victory. Date TV will shed light on the important events of world history on Tivibu screens with its expert collaborators from August 30, 2022. Tivibu subscribers get the option to watch History TV using technology features such as stopwatch-rewind watch-select watch-watch again.

Türk Telekom .’s digital television platform TVcontinues to enrich its documentary content, including the History Channel and Viasat History channels, bringing special content together with its audience. Turkey’s first thematic history channel History TVOn the 100th anniversary of the Great Victory, Tivibu starts broadcasting on channels 2 and 101. With its various topics and full broadcast stream History TVto his audience “Only facts”It will shed light on important events in world history by telling the story.

Important historical figures meet on the same screen

Has a wide range of content History TVFrom Genghis Khan to Gutenberg, from Muhammad Ali to Osman HamdiBey, it explores the names that played an important role in the turning points of world history and the events that shape history. With its programs that will broaden the horizons of the public, it will bring to the screen the journey of social life, the history of goods, art, sports, science and technology.

Director of content and platform management Türk Telekom TV/OTT Emre Botan Kumet, “As Turkey’s leading information and communication technology company, Türk Telekom offers our customers an enhanced audience experience with our digital TV platform, Tivibu, where we transfer our technological know-how. We have created a rich content catalog as part of our partnership with the world’s leading documentary content providers, both with our wide selection of channels and with our ‘Select and Watch’ service. We continue by adding History TV to our domestic documentary channels that we started with Habitat TV. At Tivibu we bring a lot of different content, from documentaries to sports, together with our audience. With our ever-evolving technology infrastructure, we will continue to offer our customers a wide range of content pools.”

Experts and celebrity guests are at Tivibu with History TV

Bringing history to the present History TV It will also host valuable names of each other. Prof. Dr. Van İlber Ortaylı to Pelin Batu, Prof. Dr. Prof. dr. Ahmet Kasim Han. dr. To Burak Küntay, from Koray Şerbetçi to Gürkan Zengin, from Mehmet Hakan Kekeç to Yaşar Taşkın Koç, Prof. dr. dr. Many experts in their field, from Deniz Ülke Arıboğan to Nezih Başgelen and Nuray Mert, will meet the audience on History TV.

The channel’s advisor is Prof. Dr. Ahmet Tasagil, Prof. Dr. Feridun Emecen and Prof. Dr. Cezmi Eraslan and Nezih Başgelen take responsibility, while Ahmet Bağçeci sits in the editor-in-chief’s chair. Yavuz Sinangil is the program manager, while Kemal Soğukdere is the project coordinator.

Source: (BYZHA) – Beyaz News Agency

Source: Haber Safir

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