Google announced the first details about Android 14

Google announced the first details about Android 14

While Google only tests Android 13, there is information on the network about preparation for the big release of 2023 – Android 14 U. This is not surprising because the company is starting to work on major updates ahead of time. For example, similar “proof” for Android 13 was discovered in the summer of 2021.

This time, enthusiasts discovered a new document in the Gerrit repository of AOSP code (Android Open Source Project), which states that Google has decided to name the Android 14 U version as Upside Down Cake. This is the first mention of the internal codename of the next version of Android.

Android 14 Reverse Cake codename

With the release of Android 10, Google stopped naming Android versions publicly, adding a “sweet” name. However, the tradition of “sweet” names code continues to be continued by the company’s developers for internal purposes.

Inverted Cake is an “inverted” cake or cupcake – the fruit filling is placed at the bottom of the form, and after baking, the finished cake is turned over, with a layer of fruit on top.

So far, the following sweets have been used for internal or generic Android names:

  • Android 1.5: Cupcake;
  • Android 1.6: Donut;
  • Android 2.0: Attachments;
  • Android 2.2: Froyo (frozen yogurt);
  • Android 2.3: Gingerbread;
  • Android 3.0: Honeycomb (honeycombs);
  • Android 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich;
  • Android 4.1: Jelly Bean;
  • Android 4.4: KitKat (KitKat chocolate);
  • Android 5.0: Lollipop;
  • Android 6.0: Marshmallow;
  • Android 7.0: Nougat;
  • Android 8.0: Oreo (Oreo Sandwich Cookies);
  • Android 9: Pie;
  • Android 10: Quince Tart (a kind of sweet cake);
  • Android 11: Red Velvet Cake (โ€œRed Velvetโ€ cake);
  • Android 12: Snow Cone;
  • Android 13: Tiramisu.

Source: Port Altele