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How to use ChatGPT to prepare for tests and exams

  • February 9, 2023
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arrival from ChatGPT warn teachers that students can use this tool to create entire pieces. However, he should not be seen as the villain in this story: perhaps

How to use ChatGPT to prepare for tests and exams

arrival from ChatGPT warn teachers that students can use this tool to create entire pieces. However, he should not be seen as the villain in this story: perhaps use ChatGPT to prepare for exams and exams. Without cheating and without any illegal or questionable activities.

secret in ask the right questions in the tool and understand that she is a helper, and not the answer or the final solution to all your problems. Yes, you will still need to study and your results will depend on your efforts. However, some methodologies can be adopted to make your study routine easier.

What is ChatGPT and how does it work?

GPT Chat is an algorithm based on artificial intelligence. It was created by an American artificial intelligence research lab called OpenAI based in San Francisco. The name Chat GPT is an acronym for “Generative Pre-Trained Transformer” – something like “Generative Pre-Trained Transformer”.

GPT Chat: what it is, how it works and how to use it

GPT Chat: what it is, how it works and how to use it
Artificial intelligence promises to be a revolution capable of rivaling even Google, changing the way we think about technology.

The Chat GPT algorithm was developed based on neural networks and machine learning with a focus on virtual dialogues. The idea is that this could improve the experience and features offered by virtual assistants like Alexa or Google Assistant. The success of the tool lies in the fact that it offers the user an easy way to chat and get responses.

In other words, it can be said that this is a kind of “turbocharged Google”. This doesn’t mean it’s better than Google or smarter, but it does offer answers in a more user-friendly way, making the results easier to understand.

See also: Bard: Google announces competitor to ChatGPT; launch in the coming weeks

How to use ChatGPT to prepare for tests and competitions?

Use ChatGPT to Compile Content SummariesBelow we list some suggestions for how to use ChatGPT to prepare for exams and competitions. Yes teachers, ChatGPT can be useful for students when used correctly. It may even help you, the teacher, prepare your lessons.

1. Summary

Students often have a lot of content to read in a short amount of time. It is known that studying through a summary can simplify this process, and the act of debriefing is part of the study. However, you can rely on ChatGPT to summarize topics or create topics for easier browsing.

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Check out some examples:

Summarize in 5 topics what the Industrial Revolution is.

What is the Fall of Constantinople? Make summaries in topics with the most important aspects of the event.

How to Use ChatGPT for Study

If you are a teacher, use these same tips to prepare for class and review material. Is something important missing? Remember: this is not about using the entire resume, but about enriching it with additional information.

2. Ask questions about books you read

How to prepare for exams with ChatGPT

When we talk about literature, and especially about the literature that is required for entrance examinations and public competitions, it is natural that the selected works have several interpretations in some passages. Even careful reading may overlook some aspects that will greatly enrich your reading experience.

When it comes to studying, there may not be enough time to reread entire passages. In these cases, count on the help of technology. Let’s look at a few examples:

What happens in chapter 3 of Machado de Assis’ book Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas?

What criticism did Lima Barreto want to give in Policarpo Quaresma’s Triste Fim?

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How to Use ChatGPT for Study

It’s not about copying answers and reproducing them in a quiz or work – not least because they need to be in a different context. However, use this information as an answer to doubts so that it is easier to sort out those points in which you doubted.

See also: Microsoft announces new Bing and Edge browser with ChatGPT integration

3. Test your knowledge

Teachers agree that doing the exercises helps reinforce the content. However, students do not always have specific questions about what they are studying. ChatGPT solves this problem once and for all – and then you can use the tool to check if everything is correct.

I study the industrial revolution. Ask me 5 questions about this topic.

Give me 5 examples of questions about the book Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas that could be asked in the entrance exam.

How to Use ChatGPT for Study

Remember: ChatGPT content is not 100% accurate. Thus, you will still need to check with your classmates or teachers if the answer actually makes sense. However, in most cases it will be correct, and this can greatly speed up your studies.

4. ChatGPT can provide project ideas for TCC

Tips to Make Learning Easier with ChatGPT

It is very common for students to have doubts about which topic to address in TCC – Course Completion Work. Starting with an area of ​​study that you enjoy or are more familiar with, how about asking ChatGPT for suggestions for development? See example:

I would like to do the final work on the course “Corporate Social Responsibility”. Help me with at least 10 suggestions for topics that I could consider under this topic.

How to Use ChatGPT for Study

Please note that among the suggestions there may be that many are not used. However, at least you are able to have good insights. If you liked the topic, ask ChatGPT to refine the idea of ​​the study by adding a new question after that:

Give me more information on topic 5.

See also: Someone asked ChatGPT to draw what their humanoid form would be; see the result

5. ChatGPT can answer joke questions

Simulations exist so that we can measure our knowledge and ability to find answers to questions, as if we were taking a test. You can paste a question into a ChatGPT prompt and ask for an explanation to support the correct answer.

How to Use ChatGPT for Study

It is not only a matter of knowing whether the answer in question is A, B, or C in a mathematical question, but also of understanding the calculations and developing the reasoning. Visualizing the answer step by step, the student often understands where he made a mistake or what variables he did not take into account.


As in the beginning of Google’s success, many teachers were suspicious of the search engine as students stopped looking for answers in books and encyclopedias, ChatGPT is also a big controversy among teachers.

GPT Chat: 7 Google Chrome Extensions for Easy AI Use

GPT Chat: 7 Google Chrome Extensions for Easy AI Use
Make using the API even easier by integrating GPT Chat with Google Chrome using one of these extensions.

However, it should not be seen as a replacement for teachers, search engines, books, or even research: it is an add-on, a tool to make knowledge easier to access. Those who know how to ask the right questions to artificial intelligence and, above all, how to capitalize on the answers, will come out ahead.

Don’t try to do all your academic or school work on the platform.. Is it possible to do this? Yes, it is, but by doing so, you are missing out on the opportunity to explore content that may be important for your future. Instead, use resources that simplify learning methods to learn more in less time.

Did you like these tips? Any more ideas on how to use ChatGPT to prepare for tests and exams? Share with us.

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