Home Auto What issues constantly threaten the typical ATV owner?

What issues constantly threaten the typical ATV owner?

When else to ride a “quad bike” if it’s not in the summer? Rushing along the trails and off road in the woodland fields near a cottage village or a house in the village is a real pleasure. But the AvtoVzglyad portal recalls several nuances, ignoring that the owners of such equipment can cause serious problems.

ATV in Russia in the vast majority of cases is a car for entertainment. For their business, they may be used only by hunting farms, but by companies specializing in the field of tourism services. The rest of the mass of “quads”, also known as ATV (short for the term “all terrain vehicle”) is in the hands of civilians. Note that unlike the car market, now anyone can go and buy an ATV at any time. Most likely, he will be of Chinese descent. Because manufacturers of such equipment from other countries raised the Russian prices for their products to sky-high levels, making these products unattainably expensive for the majority of domestic buyers.

A Chinese “quad” with more or less decent power (that is, with an engine size of at least 500 cubic centimeters) now costs about 800,000 rubles. For those who want to save money, there is the option of buying a “tired” car. With an engine of a similar cubic capacity, it will cost about 400,000 rubles. In this price segment you buy an ATV with a range of 2500-3000 km. Such an ATV usually does not require investments and repairs, as it is in the “sit down and go” state. When buying it, the main thing is to make sure that the mileage is not twisted. To do this, you need to check all the main components and systems of the machine with passion for wear. When buying a “quad bike”, you should be aware that the law requires it to be insured under OSAGO and then registered with the Gostekhnadzor and the tax authorities.

The owner then pays an annual transport tax. And to ride an ATV, a person needs the “rights” of a tractor driver and a formalized OSAGO policy. Many quads quickly come to the conclusion that there is no reason to spend money on getting “entitlements”, annual insurance, maintenance and transport taxes for the sake of just a few summer rides a year. Like, who will catch me in the fields and check my documents? But on the “quadra” it is convenient to go fishing to the neighboring lake and to drive to the nearest shop for groceries. Maybe they won’t get caught!

But the fact is that from time to time the traffic police, together with the employees of the National Service for Technical Supervision, organize joint raids, deliberately checking the drivers of quads. It is especially dangerous to be caught by a traffic police patrol on an unregistered “quad bike” and without “rights”, not in the fields-woods, but on the public road. Even though this road is just a dirt road between villages. For driving without a “tractor” VU, the traffic police inspector will issue a fine of up to 15,000 rubles under Art. 12.7 of the Code of Administrative Violations of the Russian Federation, and at the same time, of course, the ATV is taken to the seizure – paid. “Savings” on ATV registration result in two protocols of 800 rubles each – according to Art. 12.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (driving an unregistered vehicle) and under Art. 12.37 Administrative Code (driving without OSAGO).

If you’re caught again by the traffic police on an illegal ATV, you could be left without a “car” driver’s license for three months — if you have one. Or, at best, get out with a fine of 5,000 rubles. It is much more “budgetary” to deal with the inspectors of Gostekhnadzor. They sometimes raid off-road and usually set their ambushes on routes popular with local ATVs. In this case, the driver of the “quad” is only threatened by art. 9.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. In the absence of a “tractor” VU and ATV registration, he is given only two protocols of 300 rubles each. I must say that “quad raids” even in the Moscow region are quite rare. And in the regions, natives still remember such unique events years later.

Yes, and to meet the traffic police somewhere in the wilderness of the country, it has yet to be attempted. That’s why for private quad riders, sometimes the fear of getting into trouble disappears so much that, without a pang of conscience, they even drive their ATVs while drunk. This is accompanied by an accident with serious consequences for life and health. The reaction and coordination of the “pilot” dulled by alcohol make such an outcome of the trip more than likely. In addition, it should be borne in mind that for driving an ATV while intoxicated, the owner of a “car” VU will certainly be deprived of “rights”, just like for driving a car under the influence.

photo globallookpress.com
photo globallookpress.com

ATV in Russia in the vast majority of cases is a car for entertainment. For their business, they may be used only by hunting farms, but by companies specializing in the field of tourist services. The rest of the masses of “quads”, also known as ATVs (short for the term “all terrain vehicle”) are in the hands of civilians. Note that unlike the car market, now anyone can go and buy an ATV at any time. Most likely he will be of Chinese descent. Because manufacturers of such equipment from other countries raised the Russian prices for their products to sky-high levels, making these products unattainably expensive for the majority of domestic buyers.

A Chinese “quad” with more or less decent power (that is, with an engine size of at least 500 cubic centimeters) now costs about 800,000 rubles. For those who want to save money, there is the option of buying a “tired” car. With an engine of a similar cubic capacity, it will cost about 400,000 rubles. In this price segment you buy an ATV with a range of 2500-3000 km. Such an ATV usually does not require investments and repairs, as it is in the “sit down and go” state. When buying it, the main thing is to make sure that the mileage is not twisted. To do this, you need to check all the main components and systems of the machine with passion for wear. When buying a “quad bike”, you should be aware that the law requires it to be insured under OSAGO and then registered with the Gostekhnadzor and the tax authorities.

The owner then pays an annual transport tax. And to ride an ATV, a person needs the “rights” of a tractor driver and a formalized OSAGO policy. Many quads quickly come to the conclusion that there is no reason to spend money on getting “entitlements”, annual insurance, maintenance and transport taxes for the sake of just a few summer rides a year. Like, who will catch me in the fields and check my documents? But on the “quadra” it is convenient to go fishing to the neighboring lake and to drive to the nearest shop for groceries. Maybe they won’t get caught!

But the fact is that from time to time the traffic police, together with the employees of the National Service for Technical Supervision, organize joint raids, deliberately checking the drivers of quads. It is especially dangerous to be caught by a traffic police patrol on an unregistered “quad bike” and without “rights”, not in the fields-woods, but on the public road. Even though this road is just a dirt road between villages. For driving without a “tractor” VU, the traffic police inspector will issue a fine of up to 15,000 rubles under Art. 12.7 of the Code of Administrative Violations of the Russian Federation, and at the same time, of course, the ATV is taken to the seizure – paid. “Savings” on ATV registration result in two protocols of 800 rubles each – according to Art. 12.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (driving an unregistered vehicle) and under Art. 12.37 Administrative Code (driving without OSAGO).

If you’re caught again by the traffic police on an illegal ATV, you could be left without a “car” driver’s license for three months — if you have one. Or, at best, get out with a fine of 5,000 rubles. It is much more “budgetary” to deal with the inspectors of Gostekhnadzor. They sometimes raid off-road and usually set their ambushes on routes popular with local ATVs. In this case, the driver of the “quad” is only threatened by art. 9.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. In the absence of a “tractor” VU and ATV registration, he is given only two protocols of 300 rubles each. I must say that “quad raids” even in the Moscow region are quite rare. And in the regions, natives still remember such unique events years later.

Yes, and to meet the traffic police somewhere in the wilderness of the country, it has yet to be attempted. That’s why for private quad riders, sometimes the fear of getting into trouble disappears so much that, without a pang of conscience, they even drive their ATVs while drunk. This is accompanied by an accident with serious consequences for life and health. The reaction and coordination of the “pilot” dulled by alcohol make such an outcome of the trip more than likely. In addition, it should be borne in mind that for driving an ATV while intoxicated, the owner of a “car” VU will certainly be deprived of “rights”, just like for driving a car under the influence.

Source: Avto Vzglyad



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