According to the results of the first half of the year, the previously unshakable leader in the new motorcycle market changed: the BMW brand sank so much that it lost the first place to the Indian brand Bajaj. In addition, under the new conditions, there was less demand for Bavarian motorcycles than Russian Motoland and Regulmoto products. Experts from the agency “Avtostat” came to this conclusion.
So, from January to June, Russian fans of the two-wheeled lifestyle bought 1501 Bajaj motorcycles, 1114 Motoland, 1046 Regulmoto, 841 BMW. Close the top five Avantis devices, for which 591 of our compatriots voted with their wallets.
As for the breakdown by models, the most popular representative of category “A” was Motoland XL250, which sold 820 units. The Indian Bajaji also sold well: representatives of the Boxer BM 150 and Pulsar families each bought 485 and 462.
Meanwhile, some “Europeans” may be expensive, but still available for purchase. So, the company KTM Avtodom brought 6 models of Austrian KTM motorcycles at once for acquaintance. Among them is the KTM 1290 Super Adventure R of the Travel line, the flagship of the Turenduro line.