While car sales in both the new and second-hand markets continued to fall, the decision published in the Government Gazette recently introduced an important measure to prevent exorbitant buy-sell transactions in the market. Vehicle owners now own their new vehicles No more than 6,000 kilometers or above purchase before 6 months they will not sell.
While the new regulation has officially come into effect, an important announcement came from sahivangen.com today. As the platform where the second-hand market is evolving the most, sahibinding.com is designed to protect consumers. will issue new rules explained. The description of sahibinding.com was as follows:
New regulations that will apply to sahibinding.com:

“It has announced that it will make a number of important changes to increase transparency regarding the auto trade and protect consumers. In this context; Only authorized dealers of car brands can install new motor vehicles. Vendors other than authorized dealers can only select the “Vehicle Condition” criterion as “Hand used” and enter at least 6,000 km for “Vehicle Mileage”. In addition, the “Zero” or “Used” statement, which shows the status of the vehicle, will be moved before the “Kilometer” information on the ad detail page, where all the information of the entered ads will be displayed. So; buyers can see if the vehicle is pre-owned or new, along with the mileage. This one The changes are expected to take effect on September 15.
In addition, on the ad detail page, the advertiser’s requested price is determined by the distributor of the same model. “2022 Current List Price” is also displayed. For example, the requested price for the vehicle in the advertisement and the current list price of the zero price are presented to the consumer in a transparent manner.
An investigation was recently launched against sahibinding.com: