In Agriculture-GFE (2015=100), in June 2022, 7.92 according to the previous month, 81.07 according to December of the previous year, 134.96 according to the same month of the previous year and 70 according to the 12-month averages, there was an increase of 89.
Compared to the previous month, the index of goods and services that contribute to agricultural investment increased by 4.57 and the index of goods and services used in agriculture in the main groups increased by 8.33. Compared to the same month of the previous year, there was a 72.30 increase in the index of goods and services contributing to agricultural investment and a 145.32 increase in the index of goods and services used in agriculture.
Agri-GFE annual rate of change (), June 2022
According to the annual Agri-GFE, 7 subgroups showed lower variation and 4 subgroups showed higher variation
The subgroups with a low annual increase were veterinary expenditure with 31.88 and seeds and seedlings with 46.04, respectively. In contrast, the subgroups with the highest annual increase were fertilizers and soil improvers with 233.89 and energy and oils with 228.03, respectively.
Annual Change in Agri-GFE by Subgroups (), June 2022
According to the monthly Agri-GFE, 10 subgroups showed lower change and 1 subgroup changed higher
The subgroups with a low monthly increase were veterinary expenditure with 0.13 and seed and planting material with 0.50, respectively. In contrast, the subgroups with the highest monthly increase were energy and oils at 20.71 and animal feed at 7.26, respectively. The only subgroup that showed a decrease from the previous month was machine maintenance costs by 0.27.
Monthly Percentage Change Agri-GFE by Subgroup (), June 2022
Source: (BYZHA) – Beyaz News Agency