According to information obtained by Reuters, more than 140,000 authors and content creators from Germany have made a formal request to the European Union to strengthen the draft AI rules. The request would have been made last Wednesday (19) for the purpose enable stricter copyright protection rules.
The Japanese government will use ChatGPT
simplify paperwork and reduce bureaucracy
The evolution of AI is becoming more and more evident, and OpenAI’s ChatGPT is becoming more and more integrated into people’s lives. This raises some issues related to user privacy, as well as copyright protection. Recently, rapper Drake started running into trouble when the AI ​​made songs like they were his own. The content of the letter, according to Reuters, indicates that the 140,000 subscribers are concerned about liability and reward issues that could cause irreversible damage. The message says that among the subscribers there are members of the creative unions Verti and DGB. In addition, the document was signed by associations of photographers, designers, journalists and illustrators.
Reuters points out that the content of the document expresses the following: “Unauthorized use of copyrighted educational material, its opaque handling and predictable substitution of sources by generative AI production raises fundamental questions of liability, liability and compensation that must be eliminated. must be repaired before irreversible damage occurs.” For signatories Content-generating AI should be at the heart of all AI marketplace rules..
OpenAI will be responsible for the content of ChatGPT
One of the requests in a letter sent to the European Union is that companies responsible for chatbots, such as ChatGPT, are legally responsible for AI-generated content. This includes content that may violate personal rights and copyrights, as well as discriminatory and false content.
The development of technology is a concern for several governments around the world. Important names in the tech sector, such as Elon Musk, point out that technologies need to be regulated before they continue to develop. Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, said that we are facing the age of AI and he is one of the great technology enthusiasts.
TruthGPT: Elon Musk says he’s working on a “real ChatGPT”
The owner of Twitter claims that TruthGPT will be created for the knowledge of the Universe and is unlikely to destroy humanity in the course of its activities.
Source: BGR, Reuters.
Source: Mundo Conectado
Donald Salinas is an experienced automobile journalist and writer for Div Bracket. He brings his readers the latest news and developments from the world of automobiles, offering a unique and knowledgeable perspective on the latest trends and innovations in the automotive industry.