Scientist Bo Yuan from Tsinghua University, China, along with a group of scientists, has made a discovery that completely changes how objects that are part of everyday life can function in the future. That’s because the new form of liquid metal used to coat other materials causes them to turn into smart objects.
The research team pointed out that the liquid metal is nothing more than an alloy of bismuth, indium and tin oxide. By combining these materials, they were able to demonstrate the ability to stick to paper without glue, as well as turn it into a conductor of heat and electricity.
Liquid metal is used in smart objects such as wearable electronic circuits and sensors, but has never been used as a coating before. Yuan’s team was inspired by the art of origami to create liquid metal and apply it with a die so that it sticks to paper without glue.

Through experiments over the past few months, scientists have found that BiInSn is more efficient than other alloys such as indium gallium alloy (eGaIn) because it does not oxidize in air and has a lower melting point. minimizing the risk of liquefaction at temperatures below 62°C.
The material can be recycled and used again and again
In tests, the researchers found that the liquid metal adhered to the paper with varying degrees of pressure, requiring little effort to stay in place. They created an origami cube made of metal-coated paper that could be reshaped and held in the desired shape by attaching the coating.
In addition, it was possible to create three-dimensional structures from individual pieces of metal-coated paper that retained their shape and did not collapse. The coating could be removed without affecting the properties of the paper and could be recycled and reused.
Yuan sees liquid metal self-adhesion as an advantage because it can be made from paper and other thin, lightweight materials to create smart objects and soft robots that can fit in tight spaces.
Now the team wants to find a coating that won’t flake off the metal after it hardens. They are considering testing biocompatible spray paints for coating protection on materials that can be used as packaging, on human skin, underwater, and even in conditions found on other planets and moons.
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Via: The Art of Engineering