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If two overweight and normal weight people were stranded on a desert island without eating, which one would survive longer?

Peoples how long you can go without food Although the relevant limits are complex, there are studies showing that people with certain body types may have an advantage.

Of course this is an issue water not included Since it is not possible for humans to go without water for even a week, the duration of hunger can vary greatly.

We have good news for overweight people.

The harm of being overweight or obese is an undeniable fact today, but if we look at a possible scenario, a time of famine, Obese people will survive longer than people of normal weight There are studies on this topic.

Body fat, an important part of our energy reserves, is actually an energy source for times when food is not available. “reserve gasoline” It does its job. To meet its energy needs, our body first uses existing glycogen stores and then Fat storage is used. Because fat stores contain much more energy than glycogen, they provide a long-term energy source.

Research has shown that fat deposits mainly occur during long periods of hunger shows that it is crucial for survival.

Metabolism also improves itself when there is scarcity.

Being overweight

Expressing how quickly someone expends energy metabolism He also shows mastery of the ability to survive in case of famine. Our body to reduce energy consumption It can slow down your metabolism. The energy reserves are therefore used more efficiently.

Like many living things, humans are susceptible to conditions in which energy is limited. metabolic adjustments can develop. In this way, reserves are preserved and long periods of starvation can be tolerated.

Body composition is another important factor that influences our ability to survive. muscle mass, It can be an important source of energy, but it is not as efficient an energy store as body fat. Therefore, a balanced structure in terms of body composition, especially the muscle and fat ratio, is can optimize energy consumption.

The thrifty gene hypothesis also has something to say.

advantage of being overweight

The reasons why some individuals store large amounts of fat and others do not remain unclear at some points, but there is also a genetic factor involved. THG (thrifty gene hypothesis) There is an idea called.

According to this idea store fat, It is very important for survival in times of famine. This is where the idea comes from: it’s time for famine. have genes that tend to store fat people are beneficial.

Of course, although TGH is detrimental because in our modern society it means obesity had an advantage in the past. Because stored body fat served as an energy buffer that allowed people to survive in times of food shortage.

Because individuals carrying this gene will also survive, they are more likely to pass on their genes to future generations. Doesn’t it occur to you: “Then people who are overweight They were the lucky ones who survived famines in the past.

Yes, it is actually possible to say this, but in modern society they have evolved into a famine that will never come. In this case obese people negative consequences of obesity They are left alone.

What should we do to lose weight? We are not going to fast to death.

thin and fat people

When this hypothesis became widespread, many people agreed with it malnourished He even tries to lose weight through strict fasting. However, there are some points they forget. After a certain time, the body starts to burn fat and muscle. fatal consequences such as a heart attack brings. providing malnutrition low calorie diets It can even result in death for reasons that indicate hunger.

Some experts even advocate a certain amount of fat. If you fall and this happens on a sensitive bone such as the hip, this is also caused by excess fat. can protect you against a hip fracture states. Some say that extra body fat can be helpful if you can’t eat due to an illness.

If you are stranded on a desert island and if you are overweight, you have a chance of surviving longer than lean individuals. But realizing that this will not all apply to everyone. lose or gain weight It is useful not to act without expert advice on this subject.

So don’t leave yourself to obesity and live your life in an unhealthy way with its negative consequences, hoping that you will end up in famine.

Sources: National Library of Medicine, New Scientist, Science Focus, NPR, BBC

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