February 18, 2025

Why is cherry flavor often used in medicine? Except for the famous cough syrup!

  • June 7, 2024
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We drank that when we were sick as children Is there anyone who doesn’t remember the taste of cough syrups? Some were orange, others cherry. But It was

Why is cherry flavor often used in medicine?  Except for the famous cough syrup!

We drank that when we were sick as children Is there anyone who doesn’t remember the taste of cough syrups? Some were orange, others cherry.

But It was mostly cherries, right? So why has this flavor continued to dominate pharmacy shelves throughout history?

Before the invention of synthetic drugs, medical professionals resorted to strong flavors such as cherry to mask the taste of bitter herbal medicines.

cherry syrup

Released about 1838, Dr. Products such as Swayne’s Wild Cherry Compound Syrup, to make the mixture more manageable They used sour cherries.

Much time has passed since then, but the practice of using cherries has continued. Even if it’s not the tastiest option It makes cough syrup a little easier to drink Something had to be done. Otherwise none of us would drink it, right?

According to Pfizer, 50 percent of people have difficulty swallowing medications.

Child drinks cough syrup

Another factor that causes this situation is unpleasant tastes. It is a big problem especially for children When children don’t want to swallow something that tastes bad They may even refuse to take essential medications. Who among us has not rejected it?

In 2009, a Swiss pharmaceutical company introduced a child-friendly cherry-flavored malaria drug; Before this drug was available, parents grind the medicine and mix it with sugar so that it is swallowed They had signed up.

Naturally Cherry isn’t the only flavor dominating the pharmaceutical industry. We often see citrus fruits and grapes dominating pharmacy shelves.

Sources: Mental Floss, The Straight Dope

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Source: Web Tekno

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