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If your life’s dream is to visit the pyramids in Mexican archaeological sites like Teotihuacán or Chichén Itzá, perhaps you should look for a new passion. When we


If your life’s dream is to visit the pyramids in Mexican archaeological sites like Teotihuacán or Chichén Itzá, perhaps you should look for a new passion. When we encounter a centuries-old monument, a logical impulse is to climb it. Because? Because we can have the same view that other people had centuries ago. The problem is that if thousands of people repeat this, we could be left without a monument, and that’s why there are rules about it.

And a tourist visiting the ‘City of the Gods’ has learned this the hard way, including public embarrassment. While it’s not a silver lining, it reminds us of the importance of respecting something as simple as a security cordon.

What is given is over. 2020 was a turning point in many ways. The COVID-19 pandemic changed society in many ways, and one thing that Mexico took advantage of this period was to decide that when anything happens, something happens to the pyramids. So climbing the long stairs of Uxmal and Teotihuacán was banned in 2020; this was a measure that expanded the curfew on Kukulcán Temple in 2008.

The reasons for this are those we can imagine and are used in other monuments elsewhere in the world: heritage preservation. These places have endured over the centuries, but neither the shoes nor the influx of people (with dates of 15,000 visitors per day) were the same, so INAH (National Institute of Anthropology and History) clearly had to do it. let us install it. Otherwise it is not allowed. Additionally, falls may occur that endanger ourselves or third parties.

Controversy at the Pyramid of the Moon. This is something that hasn’t stopped some tourists, and in recent months there have been several cases of visitors taking the long route to the top of the pyramids. The truth is that it must be impressive to see the hiking trail at their feet, from the spot where religious rituals, possibly violent, are performed, but are off-limits to everyone.

Not knowing this ban may be an excuse, but there is something that is understood in every language and overcomes barriers: the security cordon.

Last February, a person climbed the pyramid after bypassing the security cordon. Those present encouraged him to go down, and when this happened, the criminal said that the epidemic was already over. Pandemic yes, but it is not prohibited.

Multon. The fact is that this is not the first time this has happened, and a little more than a year ago another tourist came. went up He went to ‘El Castillo de Kukulcán’, the imposing pyramid of Chichén Itzá, and toured the interior of the hill under the gaze of all who followed the rules. Some time ago, other tourists were caught climbing the same pyramid.

What could happen? If there is no property damage, you will receive a fine and one night in jail. Specifically, 175 to 520 pesos (9 to 27 euros), but if there is damage, this means a fine of up to 100,000 pesos (about 5,100 euros) and imprisonment if this damage is irreparable.

Not everyone agrees. The measure is something that divides social thought; something that can be clearly seen in the comments on networks such as YouTube or Twitter when such an event occurs. There are people who ask why it cannot be climbed if it has been possible for hundreds of years, and there are also those who claim that this will end tourism.

On the other side of the coin, there are those who boo those who rise to the top of the pyramid and provide justice with their own hands; just like this person who hit a Polish tourist detained in prison with a stick. get off the stairs

Gods allowed dogs. In any case, INAH’s position is clear. José Arturo Chab Cárdenas explained that “tourists must respect INAH’s security measures in the archaeological site in order to preserve the cultural heritage of Mexico, take care of other visitors and enjoy the Mayan heritage.”

We don’t know if the owners will pay the fine, but although there are comments against it, the two dogs’ race to the top of the pyramid was seen in a better light. Fenton ran a good race, and although there were comments against the boat owners, there were also many who did not care that they were definitely the ones climbing the forbidden pyramid.

Image | Burkhard Mücke

in Xataka | Ancient Egypt had something more impressive than its pyramids: a massive death industry

Source: Xatak Android

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