As a result of a large-scale study conducted in 2019, it appears that an unhealthy diet causes more deaths than even smoking. The same study even found that industrial food is responsible for 11 million deaths per year in the world. In fact, this research doesn’t just reduce malnutrition. fast-food meal He says we shouldn’t understand. Because researchers warn us that we are just as responsible for what we don’t eat as we are for what we eat.
The researchers argue that there should be a variety of global nutrition policies aimed at consuming foods that fall into the healthy category, such as fruits, vegetables, legumes and nuts. In other words, foods containing trans fats, no matter how harmful, can be added to your diet. of healthy food Not having it at all is just as harmful. Let’s look at this problem together.
Industrial food consumption is even the cause of death from heart attack and stroke.

The study, published in the journal Lancet Medical, which analyzed the diets of people in 195 countries, found that malnutrition, heart disease, some cancers, and diabetes caused by diseases such as a risk factor for death turned out to be.
When the global death rate due to risk factors such as smoking and drug use was calculated in this study, it turned out to be interestingly lower than malnutrition. Ashkan Afshin, a researcher at Washington University, said that as a result of this data, unhealthy diets, cigarettes and equivalents argues that it is more determinative of causing disease than
In this case, eating better and healthier could prevent one in five deaths in the world.

Very few fruits, vegetables and consume too much salt It is said to be responsible for half of the deaths in the world. Ashkan Afshin, on the other hand, criticizes this finding, saying that when people increase their consumption of one food, they decrease their consumption of other nutrients.
In other words, you’re essentially making a mistake by giving up fruits and vegetables just because you’ve increased your salt consumption. Afshin states that of the countries studied in the study, such as Lebanon, Israel and Iran, are in better shape than other countries because they follow the Mediterranean diet. If you ask what the Mediterranean diet is, especially? fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes We can say that it is a diet consisting of:
Since the countries following the Mediterranean diet have different consumption habits in themselves, we can of course explain these countries using the phrases of Afshin. healthy food We should not see them as the best countries.
In fact, the most important thing is to consume each nutrient in a balanced way.

In the above study, 15 different foods were examined and some of them were found not to be beneficial for human health. For example, high consumption of red and processed meat, low consumption of dairy products and low consumption of high-fibre foods a health risk factor appears as.
If we look at the death rates from food, we see that Israel has the lowest death rate. This is followed by France, Spain and Japan. The UK ranks 23rd for deaths from diet, the US 43rd and Uzbekistan last. Based on these death rates, Dr. Christopher Murray, undernutrition compared to other risk factors more responsible for death says it could. As a result, it can be argued that the discussions about the need to boost the production, distribution and consumption of healthy food in all countries over the past 20 years need to be transformed into more concrete steps.
Sources: The Lancet, The Guardian