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Known as the ‘Love Hormone’ Oxytocin Has Been Detected to Relieve ‘Heart Fractures’: Diseases Can Be Treated!

A previously undiscovered function of the hormone oxytocin, known as the “love hormone” has been discovered to make it easier for the public to remember. Although an abstract concept comes to mind when we say “heartache,” oxytocin, real heartbreak can also heal.

In experiments with zebrafish and human cells, scientists found that the brain-produced of the hormone oxytocin like a heart attack in theory can treat heart disease they think. Let’s look at the details together.

Love can be the cure for heartbreak

Though popularly known as the “love hormone,” oxytocin is actually a hormone associated with many human activities. Oxytocin, which is associated with situations such as childbirth, breastfeeding, sexuality and social bonding, also has many functions in the body, such as protecting the cardiovascular system.

Scientists are also starting experiments on zebrafish when oxytocin is injected from the outside. they discovered that heart disease can be relieved. In zebrafish, oxytocin releases injured and dead muscle cells, the muscle cells that drive the contractions of the heart. helped regenerate heart muscle cells.

In the first results obtained from experiments in human cells, if oxytocin is given with the correct timing and dose. It has been shown to have similar effects in humans.. So in the future, we may see the use of “love hormone” as a treatment for heart disease. But of course there is still some work to be done beforehand.

Source: Web Tekno



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