According to the Baza Telegram channel, huge lines of people have gathered who want to carry out registration actions with cars at the MREO departments of the traffic police, but the system refuses to work. For example, yesterday the base did not function from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., but it was too late because the working day at the traffic police was over. Today visitors arrived at the branches, but in the morning the malfunction occurred again. According to sources, full-time IT specialists are trying to repair the system, but only during working hours – from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
The Mash Telegram channel notes that if previously problems with the FIS State Traffic Safety Inspectorate-M occurred only a few times a month and were resolved within a few hours, this is the first time that such a long-term failure has occurred. The traffic police confirmed information about problems with the system, but it is still unknown when its functionality will be restored.
According to the Baza Telegram channel, huge lines of people have gathered who want to carry out registration actions with cars at the MREO departments of the traffic police, but the system refuses to work. For example, yesterday the base did not function from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., but it was too late because the working day at the traffic police was over. Today visitors arrived at the branches, but in the morning the malfunction occurred again. According to sources, full-time IT specialists are trying to repair the system, but only during working hours – from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
The Mash Telegram channel notes that if previously problems with the FIS State Traffic Safety Inspectorate-M occurred only a few times a month and were resolved within a few hours, this is the first time that such a long-term failure has occurred. The traffic police confirmed information about problems with the system, but it is still unknown when its functionality will be restored.
Source: Avto Vzglyad
Donald Salinas is an experienced automobile journalist and writer for Div Bracket. He brings his readers the latest news and developments from the world of automobiles, offering a unique and knowledgeable perspective on the latest trends and innovations in the automotive industry.