February 18, 2025

A workshop for the production of ceramics for approximately 9 thousand years has been found in Turkey

  • August 24, 2022
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Excavations are carried out by Professor Özlem Şevik from Trakya University. He says the discovery of the workshop is very important to science, as it marks the first

A workshop for the production of ceramics for approximately 9 thousand years has been found in Turkey

Excavations are carried out by Professor Özlem Şevik from Trakya University. He says the discovery of the workshop is very important to science, as it marks the first specialization in the production of ceramics in human history.

what is known

During the excavations, it was revealed that Ulujak mound hosted the first farmers of the Aegean region. The first settlers lived in the same place for 1150 years without a break, and the cultural layer here reaches 7.5 meters. Recently, a 7,800-year-old female figurine, possibly an abundance goddess, was found in the area.

With the finds of Özlem Çevik
Özlem Çevik with finds / Photograph DHA

The workshop itself was located in a 100 square meter building. There were kilns where ceramic pots were fired. Also, many broken stones were found that were used to rub off the hematite paint to paint the dishes.

Historically, it is known that the first ceramics were made in a wide area from Mesopotamia to the Aegean region about 9 thousand years ago. It was probably produced by women in every household. A thousand years later, there were already the first master potters. This workshop we found in Ulujak is important for Near Eastern and world archeology as it is the first physical evidence that pottery was made by experts. This building is very different from residential buildings. It is a building with 6-7 rooms. And all the stages of ceramic production are concentrated here: from the preparation of the material to its formation, from the use of the lining to the final decoration,
– says Professor Ozlem Cevik.

Excavation process of Ulujak Hyuyuk burial mound
The excavation process of Ulujak Höyük burial mound / Photograph DHA

Fingerprints of old masters were discovered in the workshop. They were found on a piece of clay prepared for work. Food was never made from it, so it remained just a ball of clay.

Fingerprints found in the soil from Ulujak Hüyük Mound
Fingerprints found in clay at Ulujak Hüyük Mound / Photograph DHA

Clay from Ulujhak mound
Clay from Ulujak mound / Photo DHA

Excavations continue at Ulujak Höyük.

Source: 24 Tv

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