How is the ‘sign of infinity’ that the sun only draws once every 12 months in the sky possible?

How is the ‘sign of infinity’ that the sun only draws once every 12 months in the sky possible?




of the sun It shows itself from the east during the day and moves to the west and at noon top We know it’s on point. Closing the subject with this, the sun is, of course, stable all year round. on the line There is a perception that it is progressing. But in fact this issue is quite different from what one might think.

In fact, the sun in a year eight (8) character drawing progresses. The figure we encountered when completing this drawing at the end of the year is analema is called. To see this situation, which most people are not aware of, we need to think more broadly and consider two factors.

The first of these interrelated factors is our planet’s orbit around the sun:

The Earth moves a little faster, approaching the sun at certain times of the year, and slower at other times. That is a circle around the sun instead of a circle. an elliptical orbit due to supervision. from analema width is the result of this movement. As the world speeds up, we see that a larger part comes up.

Our second factor is axial tilt:

Let’s briefly explain what it is. The Earth has both an axis of rotation and an orbital axis as it revolves around the sun. between these two to the corner we call it axial tilt. The axial inclination of the Earth is approx. 23.5 degrees because it is not vertical like in the picture above, slightly skewed somehow it revolves around itself.

Due to this axial tilt, seasons The days change, the days get longer and shorter, and the position the sun can reach in the sky changes over time. June 21 and December 21 we’ve all heard of it. On these days, when the longest days begin in the northern and southern hemispheres respectively, the sun reaches its highest point and opposite direction takes the appropriate action.

So in the image you see below, the dots at the ends roughly correspond to these two days. Those in the Northern Hemisphere see the smaller portion at the top, while those in the Southern Hemisphere see the opposite:

Now let’s play around with the terms a bit: what would the Analemma look like if our orbit were circular instead of elliptical?


In this case, where we turn the orbit into a perfect circle and let the axis tilt as it is, eight One part of the figure would be large while the other would not be small. Instead of both are the same size would be.

Let’s say we left our orbit elliptical. What would Analemma look like if there was no axial tilt, that is, if the Earth was not tilted but straight?


In this scenario, the eighth form is complete said goodbye we would be Instead the sun is in the sky Oval would follow a path.

Finally, what would the Analemma look like if the Earth had no axial tilt and its orbit around the Sun was circular?

circular track

If this scenario the most boring we can say. Because the position of the sun at a certain time of the year would always be the same. So photographers who want to capture this moment, at the end of the year from the point couldn’t get more.

So how is the situation on other planets:

Analemma of Mars

  • Hymn

Analemma is based on the two factors we just mentioned, namely the views according to the shape of the track and axial tilt connected. In other words, on planets where these two are in different combinations, different tracks are formed by the shape of the eight that we see from Earth. The movement of the sun during the year on other planets is as follows:

  • Mercury: One point since 1 day equals 2 years
  • Venus: Oval
  • World: 8 or infinity sign
  • Hymn: Choose shape
  • Jupiter: Oval
  • Saturn: tear
  • Uranus: Eight
  • Neptune: Eight
  • Pluto: A giant eight

Analemma can also be created by following the movements of the ‘moon’ as well as the sun.

Lunar Analemma

You can share your thoughts on the topic in the comments section.

sources: Mathematician, Evolutionary Tree, Forbes, Love the Night Sky

Source: Web Tekno


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